Meet the Talented Team
Behind the Transformation at Amirkhanov's Clinic

At Amirkhanov's Clinic, we believe that a successful transformation begins with a talented team.
Led by Chief Surgeon, Dr. Khaibula Amirkhanov, our team of experienced doctors is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. With a range of treatments from cosmetic surgery to otolaryngology, you can rest assured that you are in the best hands possible. Get to know our team and book your appointment today to begin your journey to a rejuvenated you.

Dr. Khaibula Amirkhanov


  • Highly skilled and respected in the field of plastic surgery

  • Dedicated his career to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals

  • Graduated from the State University, Faculty of Medicine and Biology in Rostov

  • Completed training and refresher courses in plastic surgery at RMAPO

  • Earned a reputation as one of the leading plastic surgeons in Dagestan, Russia

  • Unwavering dedication to his patients, combined with exceptional skills

  • Leads a talented team of doctors at Amirkhanov's Clinic who provide the highest level of care and attention to each patient

  • Trusted choice for those seeking cosmetic surgery or otolaryngology treatments.

Uma Magomedalieva

A multi-faceted dermatologist, cosmetologist and plastic surgeon, with a degree in "Cosmetology" from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and training in dermato-oncology from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Offers a comprehensive approach to skin care and cosmetic treatments.

Zaynab Shakhshaeva

A plastic surgeon at Amirkhanov's Clinic, graduated from the Dagestan State Medical Academy (DSMA) in 2014 with a degree in general medicine, completed an internship in General Surgery, and a residency in Plastic Surgery

Aisha Abdullaeva

A specialist otorhinolaryngologist with expertise in diagnosing and treating ear, throat, nose, and head and neck pathologies. She is a member of the National Association of Otorhinolaryngologists.

Hava Tamazaeva

A seasoned gynecologist, is certified in PRP-therapy and has 20 years of experience. She is a member of professional associations and a participant in international and Russian congresses and conferences.

Camilla Salamova

An obstetrician-gynecologist offering comprehensive outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic assistance.

Patimat Anabilova

A cardiologist specialized in diagnosing, treating, and prescribing preventive measures for heart and blood vessel diseases.

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